Practice Page

This page is created for experimentation. It's going to be subject to many changes as I learn and grow!

Page Layout

I'm still practicing by breaking down Sadness' Layout Creator! The Layout creator can be found here and their website can be found here! Despite this, I am trying to get the hand of what all the different sections do so one day I can make something on my own! As such, if you look through the pages HTML by pressing F12, you will find multiple notes throughout my code for this page.

I better also mention, the background image I used is by Fairy-Space on Tumblr! The image can be found here and you can check out their tumblr here!

Future Plans

Once I have a more permanent site layout and begin really building the site, I really want to add buttons, blinkies, and other fun little gifs to the page! I also want to start making my own little pixel art images, or maybe showing off my own art on the site, depending on how I feel later down the line.

Speaking more in the near future, I would really like to add my own about page, and some shrines to my interests. One about music would also be really cool but I'm not sure how I would implement that yet. In fact, I had better do that sooner rather than later! If you notice I have added links to these on my home page, that just means I haven't experimented just yet. Ehehe...

Ah, my beloved Neocities button. The only one, true constant in life.